
发布时间:2016/08/16 作者:小贵贵


  英国时间8月10日,2016年英国大学学生满意度排行榜新鲜出炉。本次排名中,白金汉大学(University of Buckingham)和法学大学(The University of Law Limited)凭借97%的学生满意度并列第一。紧随其后的是和圣玛丽大学学院(贝尔法斯特)(St Mary's University College, Belfast),学生满意度为95%。前十的院校还包括考特奥德艺术学院、基尔大学、圣安德鲁斯大学、格罗斯泰斯特主教大学、哈珀亚当斯大学学院、利物浦希望大学、阿伯里斯特威斯大学。

  值得一提的是,白金汉大学从去年的排名第五升至今年的第一。而英国法学大学的学生满意度整整提高了9个百分点,从去年的第47位一跃升至今年的第一。法学大学是一所提供法律教育和培训的私立大学,最初创建于1962年,原为法学院,2012年获得大学资格,在伯明翰、布里斯托、利兹、伦敦、曼彻斯特、切斯特、 吉尔福德分别设有分部。

  纵观传统名校在本次排名中的表现,地处伦敦的学校学生满意度普遍较低。巴斯大学(University of Bath)、剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)、牛津大学(University of Oxford)的学生满意度为90%,和其他13大学并列第20。伦敦大学学院(University College London)和帝国理工学校(Imperial College London)的学生满意度分别为84%和83%,分别位于第102和第116的梯队中。伦敦政治经济学院( London School of Economics and Political Science,LSE)则只有75%的学生满意度,处于本次排名的倒数第五位。



  该校主管教学的Paul Kelly表示,提升学生的学习体验将成为“LSE的首要任务”。据她透露,在未来的三年中,LSE将投入1100万英镑用于改善教学,同时学校也在对校园基础设施进行近120年来最大的整修。“我们希望为学生带来高质量和创新的教育,同时保证我们世界领先的研究水平。”


排名学校整体满意度 (%)
1University of Buckingham97
1The University of Law Limited97
3St Mary's University College, Belfast95
4Courtauld Institute of Art94
4Keele University94
4University of St Andrews94
7Bishop Grosseteste University92
7Harper Adams University92
7Liverpool Hope University92
7Aberystwyth University92
11Coventry University91
11University of East Anglia91
11University of Exeter91
11Heythrop College, University of London91
11Lancaster University91
11University of Lincoln91
11Royal Veterinary College91
11University of Dundee91
11Stranmillis University College91
20University of Bath90
20University of Cambridge90
20Conservatoire for Dance and Drama90
20University of Essex90
20University of Kent90
20University of Leeds90
20Medway School of Pharmacy90
20Newcastle University90
20University of Oxford90
20Rose Bruford College90
20Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London90
20University of Surrey90
20Bangor University90
20Swansea University90
20Queen's University Belfast90
35University of Birmingham89
35Durham University89
35Loughborough University89
35University of Nottingham89
35Nottingham Trent University89
35The Open University89
35University of Portsmouth89
35Royal Academy of Music89
35Royal Holloway, University of London89
35University of Sheffield89
35University of St Mark and St John89
35University of Sussex89
35University of York89
35University of Glasgow89
35Heriot-Watt University89
35University of Stirling89
51Aston University88
51Leeds College of Art88
51School of Oriental and African Studies88
51Royal Agricultural University88
51University of Warwick88
51York College88
51University of Aberdeen88
51University of Abertay Dundee88
51Ulster University88
60Birkbeck, University of London87
60University of Chester87
60University of Chichester87
60Edge Hill University87
60University of Huddersfield87
60University of Liverpool87
60Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts87
60Oxford Brookes University87
60University of Reading87
60Teesside University87
60Tyne Metropolitan College87
60University of the West of England87
60University of Winchester87
60University of Strathclyde87
60University of the West of Scotland87
60Cardiff University87
76Anglia Ruskin University86
76University College Birmingham86
76University of Bristol86
76University of Derby86
76University of Gloucestershire86
76University of Hull86
76Northumbria University86
76Royal College of Music86
76University of Southampton86
76Queen Margaret University86
76Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama86
87City University London85
87University for the Creative Arts85
87De Montfort University85
87Falmouth University85
87Guildhall School of Music and Drama85
87Hull and York Medical School85
87University of Manchester85
87Manchester Metropolitan University85
87Newman University85
87Plymouth University85
87Richmond, the American International University in London, Inc.85
87St Mary's University, Twickenham85
87Staffordshire University85
87University of Worcester85
87Robert Gordon University85
102Bath Spa University84
102University of Bedfordshire84
102Birmingham City University84
102Canterbury Christ Church University84
102Leeds Beckett University84
102Liverpool John Moores University84
102University College London84
102University of Northampton84
102Queen Mary University of London84
102Sheffield Hallam University84
102University of West London84
102The University of Wolverhampton84
102Edinburgh Napier University84
102University of Wales Trinity Saint David84
116University of Bradford83
116Brunel University London83
116University of Central Lancashire83
116University of East London83
116Goldsmiths, University of London83
116University of Greenwich83
116Imperial College London83
116Middlesex University83
116University of Sunderland83
116York St John University83
116Glasgow Caledonian University83
116Royal Conservatoire of Scotland83
116Cardiff Metropolitan University83
129Arts University Bournemouth82
129University of Bolton82
129Bournemouth University82
129Buckinghamshire New University82
129University of Hertfordshire82
129King's College London82
129University of Roehampton82
129Royal Northern College of Music82
129University of Salford82
138Leeds Trinity University81
138London Metropolitan University81
138London South Bank University81
138Plymouth College of Art81
138Southampton Solent University81
138University of Westminster81
138University of the Highlands and Islands81
145University of Brighton80
145University of Cumbria80
145ifs University College80
145Kingston University80
145St George's, University of London80
145University Campus Suffolk80
145University of Edinburgh80
145University of South Wales80
153Norwich University of the Arts79
155BPP University Limited75
155London School of Economics and Political Science75
157Glasgow School of Art.74
158University of the Arts London72
158Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance72
