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【一、】Passage Backgrounds :Refrigerator maintenance


1. The mode of the fridge : top mount

2. The color of fridge: silver

3. Date of purchase : 12th January

4. Main problem : the noise of alarm

5. Freezer temperature : 10 degrees

6. The address of the nearest service : near the station.

7. Total financial loss :180.

8. The woman has a sandwich shop.

9. Another problem is the door.

10. You can ask the manager to call back to handle.


【二、】Passage Backgrounds :Second-hand furniture

1. Name of hotel :Riverview

2. Address: West Avenue

3. Type of bed: double

4. Size of bed: Queen size

5. There is a long mirror inside.

6. Height:1.8 metres

7. Application: one fridge

8. Date of picking up the goods: by Tuesday

9. The house is opposite to the bus stop

10. Go to the main Road via Liskeards.


【三、】Passage Backgrounds :Ask the information about Amazon

Questions 1-10


1.You should bring a jacket

2.Drive from Tucson along the desert trail

3.Parents’ address:Fearnleigh

4.The telephone number:96852271

5.Special tour by helicopter.

6.Especially recommended the Space Museum

7.The possibility of playing golf.

8.Damage caused by fire in post office.

9.There will be fireworks in the evening

10.When go to the canoe , you should take sun cream.


【四、】Passage Backgrounds :Movie club




1.In club , except for movie ,there is discussion

2.There are three kinds of movies : comedy ,Romantic and action movie .

3.Membership fee is to be paid every month.

4.The 3rd movie screen room can hold up to : 450 people.

5.The second movie starting date: 17th April.

6.If there is any meeting held ,the movie will not be displayed.

7.Exhibition for action movie.

8.We will send tickets for special program to you for free.

9. In bookshop,you will have a discount if you hold membership card.

10.You can take a guest for free.


【一、】Passage Backgrounds :Ice-curling

Questions 11-16


11. Four players on the team are called the Lead,the First,the Section and the Skip.

12. The length of ice on which the game is played is called the Sheet.

13. The target area is called the House.

14. Scottish brushes are usually made from horse hair.

15. A shoe needs a sole made of the rubber.

16. The captain of the team often carries a stop watch.

Questions 17-20

Choose the correct letter,A,B or C

17. Montreal curling club is famous as

A. The most influential club in winter sports.

B. The oldest club in the region .

C. The champion club in the League.

18. Caledonian curling club is formed in order to

A. attract interests in sports.

B. train young players.

C. Fix regulations for the game.

19. In the 16th century,curling avoided being banned because

A. It was already so popular

B. It was good training for battle.

C. It was only played by children.

20. Early curling club in Canada used implements of

A. local material

B. imported stone

C. cast iron

【二、】Passage Backgrounds :Triathlon


11. Expected participants:340

12. Started from: castle in college

13. Cycling:25 kilometers

14. In old airport

15. through farmland field




A. Downhill           B. through the farmland

C.Across the forests     D.uphill


Section one:  16. D

Section two:  17. B

Section three: 18. C



19. The first place reward is a cup.

20. The chairman of the local government will present the prize.


【三、】Passage Backgrounds :Red squirrel


Multiple choices

11. Why did squirrel’s number reduce?

A. disease brought by exotic species

B. An invasion of Exotic species

C. decrease of food

12. What does Darren think squirrel’s Latin name?

A. suitable for this species

B. an interesting description

C. meaningless

13. What is the restriction when the man was photographing?

A. only one animal species allowed at a time

B. Only use one camera

C. It only allows making photography in a certain location

14. The boy chooses red squirrel rather than rates because

A. The way they restore food

B. How the food was eaten

C. different food category

15. Why Darren thinks that he can shoot better photos?

A. lot of practice

B. got valuable help from tutor

C. equipment:camera is better




16. The photos will be exhibited in local museum.

17. Darrel’s picture was once rewarded on a national newspaper for the third prize.

18. In order to improve so-called secondary object .

19. Harem thinks the lighting is best late in the afternoon.

20. A good photo should contain all the record of detailed notes.


【四、】Passage Backgrounds :Introduction to sport complex 10th anniversary



11. What is the purpose of this talk?

A.  To expand the complex

B.  anniversary

C.  Champions

12. What makes her most proud of the skating rink?

A. People in this area are fitter than the rest of the country.

B. Two champions have been trained here.

C. To make local school children more healthy.

13. Who is she talking to ?

A.  journalist

B.  local residents

C.  schoolchildren

14. What does the complex encourage people to do?

A. volunteer  B.be on committee  C.coach

15. The sports complex has recently opened for :

A.  Unemployed

B.  Pensioners

C.  Women and babies

16. What does the Sport Complex plan to do next year?

A.  Open more sports

B.  Extend open hours

C.  Sell the equipment